oṃ tā re tu ttā re tu re svā hā
oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā
Notes on the Tārā mantra
Tāre is the feminine vocative of Tārā's name and is therefore a call to her by name: "Oh Tārā!". Tu can mean "to be strong, or to have authority; to make strong or efficient; to be able; or it can mean pray!, I beg, do, now, then"; and is also sometimes used as an expletive. So Tuttāre could be "Oh Tārā be strong", or "Oh Strong Tārā". There is a Sanskrit word tura which means "quick, willing, prompt", and ture would be that word in the feminine vocative: Oh (she who is) quick, willing etc., which would fit the mythology of Tārā.A traditional explanation of the mantra is that tāre represents deliverance from mundane suffering; while tuttāre represents deliverance into the spiritual path conceived in terms of individual salvation; and finally ture represents the culmination of the spiritual path in terms of deliverance into the altruistic path of universal salvation.

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